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The Valentines


Noah Johansen, Marquess Felding, is determined to find a wife.  Each of his friends had married well, and for love, yet Noah has not found a match for himself.  Despite how much he has looked amongst the ton, Noah has come to the conclusion that he will not be as lucky as his friends.


Rosalind Valentine has been in love with Marquess Felding since she was in the schoolroom.  She also knows that he will never be hers given her humble background and family secrets. As much as it pains her to watch him court another, Rosalind knows it is for the best and is determined to be content in her position as a nursery maid and companion.


Noah realizes that the lady he set to court is not the lady he wishes to be tied to for life and also begins to see Miss Rosalind Valentine in an entirely different light. Had he been looking in the wrong place for love? Had she been as close as next door? Will circumstances beyond his control keep him from making a Christmas Match?

Fresh from the Caribbean, Mark Easton, the new Duke of Roxburg, returns to London to secure a bride. It’s expected of his new station, after all. Unfortunately, he knows just what will meet him once his presence in Town is known. Sycophantic and cloying debutantes at every turn and matchmaking mamas behind every potted palm. If only there was a way to know the true nature of each girl beforehand. Then brilliance strikes! Masquerading as a lowly dancing master before the season begins should give him a very clear picture of London’s eligible ladies.


Bianca Valentine has never been under the illusion that any decent man would look past her family’s secrets. So a life of independence is her best shot for a happy future. If she can provide for herself, she won’t have to be a burden on her aunt and uncle any longer. After an advertisement for an accompanist at a dancing school catches her eye, Bianca finds herself enjoying more freedom than she’s known, but it’s the new dancing master that takes her breath away and inspires the most beautiful music she’s ever written.


Her music first enchanted him, but her smile and kindness captured his heart. A masquerading duke and an accompanist is scandalous enough, but will Bianca’s secrets be too much to overcome? 

Captain Nathaniel Storm fell in love with Miss Isabella Valentine during the time of war. She followed the drum, he knew his duty. If not for the fear of making her a widow, Nate would have claimed her as his long ago.

Isabella knew Nate could never been hers, but that didn’t stop her from dreaming of what could have been if her life was as she claimed. She thought never to see him again after he was reassigned to a different regiment, which was for the best. Until he returned...

     His kisses spark lightening.

     Her smile is as bright as the sun.

     His eyes as green as new grass.

     Hers as grey as a stormy sea.

     His presence and touch, are tumultuous to her soul, tossing and turning her about, wondering when it would end.        Will she weather her love for Captain Storm, or will it destroy her in the end?

On the eve of Waterloo, she is nearly within his grasp, but will Isabella’s secrets make her as elusive as a rainbow after a summer rain. 


Tempted by a Rake - Releasing 11/5/2024

If anyone were to ask, Mr. Demetrius Valentine would claim to be satisfied. Except, he felt something was missing. When he unexpectedly inherits a cottage, Demetrius decides to travel there for Christmas. Maybe being out of London would bring the answers he sought. What he had not expected was to discover the widowed sister of a client in the cottage next door. This could make for a pleasant holiday, except Demetrius was certain the very proper countess would have no interest in seduction as he was quite certain that she did not care for him.

When Lavinia Stewart, Countess of Teviot, became a widow, she vowed to enjoy her freedom. Instead, she was living in her brother’s home, supervising his household and their younger siblings, and hardly free at all. That was the reason Lavinia suddenly decided to leave her family to spend Christmas alone. She had not counted on her neighbor being her brother’s solicitor—a confirmed bachelor and rake who preferred the company of widows. A man she suddenly saw in a different light.

Maybe all she needed was a lover for the holiday. The only question, would Mr. Valentine be willing? Might this be a Christmas that neither one of them forgets?

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